Furality Inc Logo

Furality, Inc.

IRS Status: Exempt 501(c)(3) Organization
EIN: 85-2497531


[email protected]

Mailing Address

7380 W Sand Lake Rd, Suite 500, PMB 1185, Orlando, FL 32819, USA

Our Organization

Furality is made possible by the contributions and enthusiasm from our vibrant community, generous donation of time and expertise from our talented volunteers, and the creativity and passion from our compensated team of artists. The programs of Furality, Inc. bring together the anthropomorphic art community within the realm of virtual reality, and we couldn't do it without your help. Thank you.

Trademark Information

Furality Inc Logo
Furality Online Xperience Logo

Furality® is a registered trademark granted to Furality, Inc. by the United States Patent and Trade Office.

In order to use our trademark, characters, or logos you'll need to be granted permission by our organization. For permission requests, please contact [email protected]. Generally, the use of our trademark to talk about or promote our events is permitted, but we do not authorize or allow the use of our trademark as a way to show endorsement or affiliation for a product or service, or allow for the use of our name with an unaffiliated event without explicit permission. You cannot use our logos, trademark, characters, or copyrighted content to create merchandise or other items.

IRS Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Status

We are pleased to announce the IRS has determined Furality, Inc. is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) effective July 22, 2020.


97% of Furality Inc. spending is directed to programs which provide a forum for attendees to gather to experience, learn, share, and celebrate anthropomorphic arts, and programs that support other charities.

Furality Inc 2022 Expenses

In 2022, Furality Inc. raised $431,991 and spent $4,101 (1%) in Administrative overhead, $6,920 (2%) in Fundrasing, and $443,939 (97%) on Programs.


  • 2022 Charity Support: SaveAFox Rescue - $22,638
  • Furality Online Xperience: Furality Legends (remaining expenses from 2021 event) - $11,540
  • Furality Online Xperience: Furality Aqua - $306,592
  • Furality Online Xperience: Furality Luma Festival (expenses for 2023 event) - $54,985
  • 2022 Furality Gateway (Full Gateway Experience @ FWA) - $31,174
  • 2022 Furality Gateway Portal (VR Portal Only @ Megaplex, Furpocalypse, Furry Migration) - $17,011